Del commercio de’ Romani dalla prima Guerra Punica a Costantino,dissertazione coronata dall’Accademia Reale delle Iscrizioni e Belle Lettere di Parigi li XIV novembre MDCCLXXXVI;


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Bellissimo esemplare. Edizione originale.  In-4°, pergamena coeva. (4), CXIII pp. 1 f. bianco.  " Francesco Mengotti, an economist and statistician, born near Feltre (Belluno), was appointed in 1806 prersident of general administration of finance i the Venetian provinces… He wrote an essay (1787) on the commerce of the Romans… In this work the author maintains the theory that the Romans did  not understand the importance of trade, that thought only of enriching themselves wit  the spoils of every nation, and that their sole commerce was that of transporting into Italy all the riches of the countries they had conquered…  " In, it Mengotti reviews not only trade but the history of the economy as a whole"  (Jacunsky, in Cahiers d’ histoire mondiale, VIII, 1964, p. 580).   McCulloch, p. 64.   Kress Library, B. 1277.   Manca alla Biblioteca Einaudi.

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